Travel Directions: (Scales are on-site at each location.)
COUNTY LINE (Location 1). When coming south on I-15 (From Salt Lake City), Take Exit 59 west. Take Highway 56 West 35 miles to Highway 18. Turn left on Hwy 18 and go south 7 miles. Loading facility is directly off to the right of the highway on 1700 N, also known as the “Iron County/Washington County Line.” The facility is between mile markers 44 and 43 about 1/4 mile after marker 44. When coming north on I-15 (From Las Vegas), Take exit 6 in St. George. Go North (left) on Bluff Street. Bluff Street turns into Hwy 18. Continue North for 35 miles to the stop sign at Enterprise. Turn right (east) continuing on Hwy 18. Go almost four miles, the facility is directly off to the left of the highway on 1700 N, also known as the “Iron County/Washington County Line.” The facility is between mile markers 43 and 44, about 3/4 mile after mile marker 43. (GPS Coordinates - N 37º 36’ 18” W 113º 39’ 45”)
BERYL (Location 2). When coming south on 1-15 (From Salt Lake City), Take Exit 59 west on Hwy 56. Go west 35 miles to Highway 18. Turn left and go south on Highway 18 for 2 miles, just past mile marker 49. Loading facility is directly off to the right (west) of the highway. You will see several agricultural buildings, the scale is in the middle and the loading facility is at the northwest of the group of buildings. When coming north on 1-15 (From Las Vegas), Take exit 6 at St. George. Go North (left) on Bluff Street. Bluff Street turns into Hwy 18. Continue North for 35 miles to the stop sign at Enterprise. Turn right (east) continuing on Hwy 18. Go about nine miles. The facility is between mile marker 48 and 49, but closer to marker 49. The facility is directly off to the left (west) of the highway. You will see several agricultural buildings, the scale is in the middle and the loading facility is at the northwest of the group of buildings. (GPS Coordinates - N 37º 40’ 36” W 113º 39’ 30”)
NEWCASTLE (Location 3). When coming south on 1-15 (From Salt Lake City), Take Exit 59 west. Take Highway 56 West 29 miles. When coming out of the hills and into the valley, you will see a Phillips 66 Station. Turn right (north) at the station, which is Main Street in Newcastle between mile marker 32 and mile marker 31. The loading facility is 3/4 of a mile north from the highway. When coming north on I-15 (From Las Vegas), Take exit 6 at St. George. Go North (left) on Bluff Street. Bluff Street turns into Hwy 18. Continue North for 35 miles to the stop sign at Enterprise. Turn right (east) continuing on Hwy 18. Go eleven miles. Turn right (east) on Hwy 56. Go six miles, you will see a Phillips 66 Station. Turn left (north) at the station, which is Main Street in Newcastle and will be between mile marker 31 and mile marker 32. The loading facility is 3/4 of a mile north from the highway. (GPS Coordinates - N 37º 40’ 51” W 113º 32’ 56”)
MODENA (Location 4). When coming south on 1-15 (From Salt Lake City), Take Exit 59 west. Take Highway 56 West 42 miles. The road is between mile marker 18 and mile marker 17. The road is 5600 W. There is a white sign that says “Robert Holt Modena Farm.” Turn right (north) on a gravel road at that sign. Go three miles north, and you will be at the loading facility. When coming north on 1-15 (From Las Vegas), Take exit 6 in St. George. Go North (left) on Bluff Street. Bluff Street turns into Hwy 18. Continue North for 35 miles to the stop sign at Enterprise. Turn right (east) continuing on Hwy 18. Go eleven miles. Turn left (west) on Hwy 56. Go seven and a half miles. The road (5600 W) is between mile marker 18 and mile marker 17. There is a white sign that says “Robert Holt Modena Farm.” Turn right (north) on the gravel road just past that sign. Go three miles north, and you will be at the loading facility. NOTE: PLEASE OBSERVE ALL TRAFFIC SIGNS AND SPEED LIMITS ALONG THE GRAVEL ROAD. THIS AREA IS FREQUENTLY PATROLLED. (GPS Coordinates - N 37º 48’ 03” W 113º 47’ 05”)